Sunday, April 3, 2016

Entry #1 2 gems 1 dud

Entry #1
2 gems 1 dud

Today I was searching the web for popular blogs. I felt it was appropriate to write about since I am new to blogging and would be good to get a feel of the "blogging world" I came upon three well known and highly rated blogs and shared my thoughts.
Maddie on Things
Who doesn't love dogs? They are mans best friend and make you cry more about their death in movies then a human. This blog focuses on one particular dog, Maddie. (Here is her on the right). Pictures of Maddie are the main focus of the blog from her lounging around the house to her accompanying her owners on adventures in the wild. She is apart of their journey in life and each picture gives her a sense of human quality as if she is one of them. I particularly enjoyed this blog for its simple concept and its support for adopting animals. The blog is clean, easy to follow, positive, and cute.

We all have secrets that we keep locked up inside and promise ourselves we will never share. They are kept with pinky promises and hand shakes. Could you imagine if your secrets ever got out? How about sharing them with thousands of people on the internet for all to see. This blog here allows people to send their deepest secrets on post cards and then post them on the blog. I enjoy this blog for its truth and individuality. You can read along and see yourself in the secrets shared. One of my favorites, (on the left) this secret just makes me laugh. Some of the secrets range from serious, to sad, to hilarious, to sexual. This blog I could read on for hours and feel a feel a sense of common ground with. Its a very personal blog that can make you feel every emotion possible. 

Suri's Burn Book
Well as the title of this blog says, "2 gems and 1 dud", here is the dud. This blog has raved reviews and many viewers. It is a "burn book" about celebrity children It takes pictures of celebrities and gives the bloggers point of view. Though its all in good fun I personally I am not interested in celebrity news.  One comment was made on picture above, "Playing second fiddle to a selfie machine is how I picture the life of every Kardashian baby", cute but just not interested.  In the blogs defense all the comments aren't negative like a "burn book". It seems to get old and drag on with a 1-3 sentence comment on each picture. Not my favorite at all but may be others cup of tea.

I encourage you to explore different blogs and see what interests you as well. They can range from health to celebrity gossip to art. You are bound to find something that interests you and the best thing is they post frequently so you can never get bored. Now go out and blog search!

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