Sunday, April 17, 2016

Entry #4 Prom

                        Prom season is here and though I am in college I can reminisce about prom and relive the night through pictures of seniors all dressed up and ready to have the night of their lives. My cousin who is a senior in high school just had her prom and of course I was there to help her choose dresses and what hair and makeup to get done down to the last detail this girl was ready to go. This had me thinking about prom or really any big event like this in general. As my cousin gracefully said, "But its my prom night and I only get one it has to be perfect!"

Wait what? Its one night it's a high school dance full of sweaty teenagers. Where is all of this hype coming from? The movies, make the thought of prom as this night of wonder and how it is perfect and everyone dances and some die as well, (Prom night, great movies lots of blood). Here is a clip of what has to be the worst 70's prom night dance but its great to watch! . You see it doesn't work like that the choreographed dance routines and spotlight on you.
When growing up you see these movies and wait for your day. Pick the dress, pick the date, pick the place to eat, pick a limo, pick a place to take pics you plan and plan and plan and 9 times out of 10 it is nothing like what you planned. Somebody is always late, their makeup isn't right, Johnny is mad at Sally so he doesn't want to dance. Whatever it is it is not this huge night. At the end of the day it is a school dance. Not to seniors though, hundreds of dollars are spent to end up in tears or getting drunk off your ass and embarrassing yourself. For twenty dollars I could pay to have someone disappoint me and save so much money! What a bargain. Yes prom is a fun night to dance and have fun and see your high school friends before you all part ways and can definitely end up being a great night but spending so much time and effort to make it perfect is not worth it. Just go and have fun and if Johnny is mad at Sally Johnny needs to get over it and dance his butt off in his $100 dollar suit because momma didn't pay for you to sit and drink punch all night. Next time you have a big event to plan like a birthday bash or a big trip try not to stress on the details and just enjoy the night and be safe! 

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