Sunday, April 17, 2016

Entry #3 He said she said

There is a saying we've all heard, "There are two sides to every story". How you present what occurred could give a completely different reaction or view then how others would present it. Slanted reporting is a way of leaving things out, steering away or towards something more in order to make your audience feel a certain way. You could witness something occurring and a reporter comes up to you and says "How do you feel about this TRAGIC event" you may not have thought it was tragic but when they ask that question instead of "How you feel" it can sway your response. If you are watching a news cast about a presidential debate and they show a clip of Hillary saying, "We need more taxes!" and you react with disgrace, more taxes! But in reality she actually said, "Most candidates say WE NEED MORE TAXES but we don't." Of course the out of context isn't this drastic usually in a newscast but it is common to show a clip and make a comment about that clip to persuade others to think that way.
A great example of this is the Netflix documentary "Making a Murder", which in a very short summary is about a man who was supposedly targeted by the local police and set up for committing a murder. (You see how I put "supposedly" that made you believe he he wasn't targeted, see the slant there!) News casts and interviews are shown and it is all raw footage, but what you do and do not choose to show or what you choose to say can make a man seem innocent or guilty very quickly. This show had a lot of hype around it and people couldn't believe the local police could do this to this innocent good man who had children and a wife. They showed interviews of the wife and how she loved him and was so upset this was happening and how he is a wonderful man and her visiting him in jail. After the series came out it was revealed that in fact his wife felt uncomfortable around hime and did not feel the mushy gushy lovey dove feeling about her husband. The documentary is clearly set with the agenda to show that he is innocent. They gave resources, they appealed to your emotion with showing a sweet little man crying and how they ruined his life. They even appeal to your logic by showing all the evidence and how it couldn't be more clear the wrong doing. But it is in fact how much of what they show and in what order or way they do so. If you would like to watch the series its on Netflix which I'm sure you or your friend that you can steal their password or god forbid pay $7 a month for can watch the series on there. Link to netflix

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